The "NextGen Hero" young talent award will be presented on November 14, 2024, as part of the Digital Economy Award Night at the Hallenstadion in Zurich.
The award is given to a personality between the age of 20 and 28 who has the extraordinary potential to help shape the digital future of Switzerland. Candidates are nominated by educational institutes and the public.
In total, more than 40 jurors are examining the ideas, projects and companies at the Digital Economy Award. In each category, specialists are involved in the analysis and evaluation of the entries. For each category, the expert group is chaired by one jury president.
Associate Consultant, Bain & Company
Der Digital Economy Award hat in diesem Jahr einen neuen Namen und ein neues Konzept erhalten, die Geschichte des Awards geht aber zurück bis ins Jahr 2004. Stöbern Sie jetzt in der Hall of Fame mit allen Gewinnerinnen und Gewinnern.