A jury selects the personalities from all nominees who, in their opinion, deserve "The Pascal". Subsequently, an online voting and the jury chose the winner of the award. The online voting and the decision of the jury each make up 50 percent of the result determining the winner.
Inside IT
A jury selects the personalities from all nominees who, in their opinion, deserve "The Pascal". Subsequently, an online voting and the jury chose the winner of the award. The online voting and the decision of the jury each make up 50 percent of the result determining the winner.
A jury selects the personalities from all nominees who, in their opinion, deserve "The Pascal". Subsequently, an online voting and the jury chose the winner of the award. The online voting and the decision of the jury each make up 50 percent of the result determining the winner.
A jury selects the personalities from all nominees who, in their opinion, deserve "The Pascal". Subsequently, an online voting and the jury chose the winner of the award. The online voting and the decision of the jury each make up 50 percent of the result determining the winner.
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