Digital Excellence SME 2021: Belimed

Short Description

Belimed supports the smart hospital, which relies on optimized and automated processes. These are based on an ICT environment with networked assets, especially based on the Internet of Things (IoT), to improve existing processes in patient care and introduce new functions. To ensure that the IoT journey can be carried out with a lean approach, Belimed relies on close collaboration with software development companies such as Trivadis. The challenge is to create a partner framework that enables digital solutions to be developed and brought to market in an agile process.

Sieger Laudatio

Jury president: Samy Liechti

In the case of the winner of the Digital Excellence Award SME, we can proudly speak of a lighthouse project - because the company shows pioneering spirit, innovation and courage in pioneering paths in healthcare. As jury president, I am pleased to present this year's winner: Belimed!

Belimed works in medical technology, where they provide service solutions for sterilization, disinfection, and cleaning of medical & surgical instruments. As such, they operate in a highly regulated, complex area where the handling of personal data is a very delicate commodity.

Belimed came up with a new vision: they also supply trustworthy software added to the hardware. Anyone who works with a Belimed device can immediately capture the relevant data in real-time, forward it, and store it locally or in a secure cloud. So they didn't just ask themselves: How can we make existing processes better, they boldly set out to develop the process further.

One key element in this innovation process was co-creation with their customers! With them, the Belimed team asked the important questions of "What do you need? How do we get better together?" were discussed. Belimed succeeded in developing the technology so that they created a new business with it. And thus changed from a hardware to a software provider.

Belimed is working on the hospital of the future with a lot of courage and innovative spirit - and we are proud that a Swiss company is shining out into the world as a beacon with its work. They call themselves "Engineers of Confidence". The jury finds: You are "Engineers of Digital Excellence". On behalf of the jury, I have the pleasure and honor to award the Digital Excellence Award SME to Belimed! ... Congratulations!

Press Release (PDF, in German)